“Serving authentic hawker food with a taste of nostalgia at affordable prices.” — Fei Siong Group’s Vision


we all started
Fei Siong Group was founded in 1995 by Mr Tan Kim Siong, Managing Director of the Group. Mr Tan started his own business with a rental stall in the hawker centre just outside the former National Library at Stamford Road, selling fishball noodles. From its modest beginnings, Fei Siong Group has continually expanded and reinvented itself over the years to become one of the numerous success stories in the local food and beverage industry.


Success Story
Mr Tan Kim Siong together with his dedicated management team has successfully steered the Group towards achieving commendable progress from inception till now. Starting from food stalls in coffee shops and hawker centres, the business has expanded to having food outlets, specialty shops, and food courts in suburban malls and even to managing its own “new style” hawker centre.
Fei Siong Group has successfully carved a niche for itself in the local food and beverage scene on the unwavering premise to serve authentic food with a taste of nostalgia, at affordable prices, while fulfilling its corporate social responsibility to the community.